Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Incidents #1

    Incidents in the life of a Slave Girl isn't the most interesting book in the world. In the beginning of the book she describes how nice her mistress was and how she would "gather berries or flowers to decorate her room"(5).  She then goes on to how she was transferred to be the property of Dr. Flint. She shows how mean he was through his actions. He would yell at slaves for things that were not their fault, like when the mistress and master called William at the same time and he decided to go to his mistress, Dr. Flint yelled at him for not going to him. Jacobs also wrote "when we entered our new home we encountered cold looks, cold words, and cold treatment"(7). Later she writes about what happens between her and Dr. Flint, "the guilty practices under that  roof"(27). What is interesting about this is the lack of emotion. I would expect her to rant on and on about what happened since she had no one else to talk to it about. Instead she justs says "the guilty practices under that roof"(27).  That kind of language makes this book seem like an informative series of events rather than a heart breaking story, which is what she was aiming for. It makes it believable, which is why it is an good book so far.

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