Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blog #1, Reality vs. Ideal

School today in the United states is not perfect. The United states used to be the ideal place to live because of its rapid industry growth, i.e. the brookland bridge that was the longest bridge in the world at the time when it was built. The economy was rapidly expanding which gave schools lots of money to give the premium education. However, in our modern time, the rest of the world has caught up. The president has been taking steps and making speeches to improve education in the United States. One very important question someone asked him at an open interview was if he would send his children to DC public schools and he said that even though public schools there were improving, that he would not send his children there. In Montgomery county schools, there is an SGA to teach students about government,  a Parent Teacher Association to keep parents informed about what is going on in the school and there is also edline so that students and parents can keep up to date on their or their child's grades or check their homework. There is also a Maryland State Assessment to make sure that all students are getting the proper education in their schools. However good this may sound, it is almost the best county of schools in the country and there is a saying that you are only as good as your weakest link.
                If i were able to make my own school system I would not dramatically change much. First, I would make classes more hands on. I would give more money to gym and the arts if it was available move the hours back making it 8:00 to whatever it is because i think that on of the hardest parts of school is getting up in th morning. I would not however make the school day shorter because I know that I need all the education I can get out of my schools. With that thought I would make the class sizes smaller so that I can easily communicate with the teacher during class like asking questions or taking about grades. Even though some people might make their teachers all incredibly nice and flawless, I would not. It is important that I have teacher that push me even if it makes me hate them, for I know that I will not regret it in the future. My coach once said that if I hated my parents sometimes then they were doing the right thing because what I want isn't always what is best for me. This doesn't mean I want only bad teachers because that would just drive me crazy but I want some teachers to really challenge me. My ideal school is not perfect and that is why it is my ideal school.